Sunday, 25 April 2010

Test Shot.

This is a test shot for my recent project for my next review.

Over the past month I have collected obsolete televisions from unwanted owners. With this collection (which is around 15-20 televisions) I planned to create an installation, giving these devices a new function and meaning. It is also making a statement on how frequently we upgrade our technology, ultimately questioning if we really need to, not to mention observing how much waste and rubbish we collect doing so.

 I recently shot the T.V's in an empty lot, but due to the weather conditions being too bright, the images didn't achieve what I had originally pictured.

I decided to re-shoot in my garage, where the televisions are currently stored. The above image is what I captured today. I think this environment is more sucessful as I can manipulate not only the imagery, but the lighting and environment surround it. I also have the ability to take my time with the photo-shoot, instead of rushing; which is what happened when photographing within the empty lot, as I did not own the block of land.



  1. My immediate thought: Scared Of The Pension Australia Has Organised For Me.

  2. adore this idea. an installation of this would be really striking.

  3. I'm also loving the installation idea. Capturing objects lighted by the ambient light of the tv's is brilliant.

  4. i really love this shot jess :)
