Thursday, 25 March 2010

Review One: Jeff Wall.

Contemporary Photographic Ideas.

"For the first project, you must choose a photographer and make: 1 minimum -5 maximum prints in response to the work that they have made. With these images, you must also compose an artist statement, explaining why you chose the artist and what you found interesting about them, i.e; the composition, the colour, the way they shoot, the lighting techniques and the issues surrounding their work."

"It's not a glamour project."
- Jeff Wall.

Destruction paves the way for something new to form out of the ensuing chaos. I see destruction as another form of creation, which tends to have a particular beauty to it.

Just like Jeff Wall, when shooting any photograph, composition is of main concern. As noted on one of Wall's photographs "The Destroyed Room," he not only references Eugene Delacroix's theme in his piece "The Death of Sardanapalus," he also mimics his composition and colour palette.
Using his work as inspiration, I used similar imagery and themes to compose my images.

Location and weather conditions are of strong importance within my photography. Unlike Wall's photographs, I steer away from unorganised shoots and focused on unplanned scenarios. I am naturally attracted to images with rustic features. Within these shots, I build up high levels of contrast; to emphasise texture, colour and destructive elements. I tend to use high ISO levels to compliment these features.

I create such images to feed my own facination with chaos, giving me the oppertunity to explore my medium and my natural instincts.

Jeff Wall: "The Destroyed Room." 1978.

My reference to the above piece.

Jeff Wall: "The Crooked Path." 1991

My reference to the above piece.

Jeff Wall: "Diagonal Composition 1." 1998

Jeff Wall: "Diagonal Composition 2." 1998

My reference to the above series.


De Duve, T Pelenc, A Groys B & Chevrier, JF 2002, Jeff Wall, Press Limited, London.

Galassi, P 2007, Jeff Wall, The Museum of Modern Art, New York.

Lauter, R 2001, Jeff Wall, Prestel, New York.

Tate Modern, Retrieved 17/03/2010, from

Friday, 19 March 2010

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Thursday, 11 March 2010